
Java heap dump OQL samples - where

where 可以包含:

=, <=, >, <, [ NOT ] LIKE, [ NOT ] IN, IMPLEMENTS (relational operations)
AND OR != , =
字段可以 [. ] . .

实现 group by 功能

  1. 方法1: 如果是 group by 其中一个字段 可以这样: 菜单选择 -> Java Basics -> Group by Values -> 给出类名和需要group by 的字段:
    group1.png group2.png
  2. 方法2: 使用 OQL. 举例: 假如我有很多 brave.handler.MutableSpan, 这个类有个实例字段是 name, 我想根据 name 去分组. 我们需要这么做:

    // 第0步, 我们查看我们要分组的对象
    SELECT toString(s.name), * FROM brave.handler.MutableSpan s
    // 第一步, 我们看看有多少唯一的 name
    SELECT DISTINCT toString(s.name) FROM brave.handler.MutableSpan s
    // 第二步, 做分组, 把上一步distinct的结果和原始列表对比, 第二列返回的每一行是一个list
    SELECT dn.name AS name, (SELECT OBJECTS lst FROM brave.handler.MutableSpan s WHERE (toString(s.name) = dn.name)) AS lst
    OBJECTS (SELECT DISTINCT toString(s.name) AS name FROM brave.handler.MutableSpan s) dn
    // 第三步, count 每个 group, 第二步第二列是一个list, 所以可以使用 .@length 来取长度
    SELECT g.name as name, g.lst.@length as size FROM OBJECTS ( eval((
    SELECT dn.name AS name, (SELECT OBJECTS s FROM brave.handler.MutableSpan s WHERE (toString(s.name) = dn.name)) AS lst
    OBJECTS (SELECT DISTINCT toString(s.name) AS name FROM brave.handler.MutableSpan s) dn
    )) ) g
  3. 使用上面第一步的结果, 然后导出到csv(菜单栏 -> 最右边-> 导出CSV), 然后excel 操作

查询 URL 相关的:

- SELECT * FROM java.net.URL u where u.port = 443
- SELECT * FROM java.net.URL u where toString(u.host) = "api.google.com"
- SELECT * FROM java.net.URL u where u.@displayName like ".*api.google.com.*"
- SELECT * FROM "com.tianxiaohui.*" u where toString(u) like ".*Metrics.*"  //正则
- SELECT s.address.holder.hostName.toString(), s.timeout FROM java.net.SocksSocketImpl s WHERE (s.port = 443) //socket 的地址和 timeout 时间
- SELECT toString(u.string) FROM java.net.URI u WHERE (toString(u.schemeSpecificPart) LIKE ".+google.com.+")


- SELECT x.capacity FROM java.nio.DirectByteBuffer x WHERE ((toString(x.att) = "null") and (toString(x.cleaner) != "null") and (x.capacity >= (1024 * 1024)))
- SELECT DISTINCT objects x.this$0 FROM java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask x 
- SELECT distinct objects x FROM java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask x WHERE (x.this$0.toString() LIKE ".+0x468369b50")
- SELECT * FROM INSTANCEOF java.lang.Object t WHERE (toHex(t.@objectAddress) >= "0xfbd4c000" AND toHex(t.@objectAddress) <= "0xfce94050") //一段地址空间中的所有对象
- select * from java.nio.DirectByteBuffer x where x.capacity > 65535 and x.cleaner != null
- SELECT o.toString() FROM OBJECTS ( SELECT OBJECTS outbounds(t) FROM org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread t WHERE (t.toString() = "DefaultThreadPool-23") ) o WHERE (o.toString() LIKE ".+TracingInfoImpl.+")

如果 0x789342b78 对应的地址是一个类class(不是instance), 那么可以用下面这种查法:
select * from 0x789342b78

如果要查询某个 Class 的 static 字段里面的数据:

SELECT * FROM java.lang.Class x where x.toString() LIKE ".+com.tianxiaohui.platform.config.impl.ConfigProvider.*"


select * from INSTANCEOF java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl

Java JDBC 相关的

# 一个连接有多少 open 的 ResultSet
SELECT * FROM oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl rs WHERE (rs.connection.toString() LIKE ".+0x7a3af6cf8")


SELECT * FROM java.lang.String s where s.toString() like ".*agepsvc.*"


SELECT u.Thread AS Thread, u.Frame.@text AS Frame 
    SELECT t AS Thread, ${snapshot}.getThreadStack(t.@objectId).@stackFrames AS Frame 
      FROM java.lang.Thread t  ) u


SELECT vr.Thread, vr.Name, vr.Frame, vr.Local FROM OBJECTS ( 
    SELECT v.Thread AS Thread, toString(v.Thread) AS Name, v.Frame AS Frame, ${snapshot}.getObject(v.Objs) AS Local FROM OBJECTS ( 
        SELECT u.Thread AS Thread, u.Frame.@text AS Frame, u.Frame.@localObjectsIds AS Objs FROM OBJECTS ( 
            SELECT t AS Thread, ${snapshot}.getThreadStack(t.@objectId).@stackFrames AS Frame FROM INSTANCEOF java.lang.Thread t WHERE (toString(t.name) = "DefaultThreadPool-32") 
        ) u  
    ) v WHERE (v.Objs != null) 
) vr WHERE (vr.Local.toString() LIKE ".*TracingInfoImpl.*")


  1. toHex( number ) //转换数字为16进制
  2. toString( object ) //转换对象为 String
  3. dominators( object ) //被这个对象直接控制的
  4. dominatorof( object ) //这个对象被那些对象直接控制
  5. outbounds( object ) //
  6. inbounds( object ) //
  7. classof( object ) // 当前对象的类

如何查看一个对象的 dominator, 然后就可以用 dominatorof() 函数:

SELECT dominatorof(x) FROM OBJECTS 15038294 x 
SELECT * FROM org.ebayopensource.ginger.core.logging.impl.CalLogTransactionImpl x WHERE (dominatorof(x).toString() = "DefaultThreadPool-20")


更多OQL的官方文档参考: https://wiki.eclipse.org/MemoryAnalyzer/OQL

MAT Java 内存分析工具

当前 MAT 可以分析 HPROF 二进制(produced by Sun, HP, SAP, etc… JVMs) 和 IBM system dumps (after preprocessing them), 以及 IBM portable heap dumps (PHD) .

  • find the biggest objects, as MAT provides reasonable accumulated size (retained size)
  • explore the object graph, both inbound and outbound references
  • compute paths from the garbage collector roots to interesting objects
  • find memory waste, like redundant String objects, empty collection objects, etc...

如何获得 heap dump

note: 从JDK 6 update 14 and above, HPROF 里面也包含所有线程的 callstatck.
参考: Heap Dump Analysis with Memory Analyzer, Part 1: Heap Dumps

如何分析 IBM J9 JVM dump?

ss linux command

ss 是比 netstat 更强大的后续版本.
The ss command is capable of showing more information than the netstat and is faster. The netstat command reads various /proc files to gather information. However this approach falls weak when there are lots of connections to display. This makes it slower. The ss command gets its information directly from kernel space.

ss -l
ss -t
ss -u
ss -nt
ss -ltp
ss -nt '( dst :443 or dst :80 )'

ss -r -t | grep 11210 | awk '{print $5}'
ss -r -t | grep 11210 | awk '{print $5}' | sort | uniq -c
ss -r -t | grep 11210 | awk '{print $5}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

使用 -i 参数能显示更多关于每个 socket 的信息,比如接受/发送多少字节, 最后发送/接收/ack 了多久了, 采用了什么算法.
-p 显示进程信息, -e 显示用户信息. -m 显示内存信息.


Java 常见的三种 dump 文件: Core Dump, heap dump, thread dump

  1. core dump: 有时又被称作 crash dump, memory dump, system dump, 它是某个进程在某个时间点的内存镜像. 它既可以在系统发生致命错误或无法处理的错误时候自动产生, 也可以通过命令工具产生. 但是 core dump 一遍并不能包含所有的内存页,但至少包含 heap 和 stack 的内存信息. core dump 默认放在当前进程的工作文件夹,并以core.pid 命名. 使用 jmap 转换 core dump 为 HPROF 文件(jmap -dump:format=b,file=dump.hprof /usr/bin/java core.1234) 或使用 Java VisualVM 来分析都可以. 也可以在 Linux 上面用 gdb --core core.1234 来分析.
  2. heap dump: 内存某个时间点镜像, 有ASCII 或 binary 格式,不同格式可能包含的信息不一样. 但一般包含 heap 里的类和对象实例信息. 但不包含什么时候或什么原因对象产生.
  3. thread dump: The thread dump consists of the thread stack, including thread state, for all Java threads in the virtual machine. The thread dump does not terminate the application: it continues after the thread information is printed.

如何使用 Java VisualVM 来分析 core dump
转换 core dump 为 HPROF 文件

_$jmap -dump:format=b,file=dump.hprof /usr/bin/java core.1234  //这个 java 是你 core dump 运行的 java
  • 如何产生 core dump
  • 如何产生 heap dump or 这里 or 这里
    -- 应用启动时: _$ java -agentlib:hprof=file=snapshot.hprof,format=b application
    -- 应用启动时: _$ java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError application
    -- _$ jcmd GC.heap_dump filename=Myheapdump
    -- _$ jmap -dump:format=b,file=snapshot.jmap pid
    -- 使用 JConsole 工具
  • 如何产生 thread dump
    -- _$ jstack -f 5824
    -- use VisualVM

netstat 命令参数

This program is obsolete. Replacement for netstat is ss. Replacement for netstat -r is ip route. Replacement for netstat -i is ip -s link. Replacement for netstat -g is ip maddr.

netstat -t -l 查看监听的 tcp
netstat -t --wide
netstat -an |grep :8080 端口8080 上的连接 (有些外部的)

只针对 linux, Mac 和 win 有些不一样.

  • a all
  • r 显示路由表
  • s statistics
  • n 不做主机和端口转换, 数字形式 number
  • c continuous print
  • e extend 多显示 owner
  • p 显示 program
  • l listening
    --wide 不截取

The socket has an established connection.
The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection.
A connection request has been received from the network.
The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down.
Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the remote end.
The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network.
The socket is not being used.
The remote end has shut down, waiting for the socket to close.
The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for acknowledgement.
The socket is listening for incoming connections. Such sockets are not included in the output unless you specify the --listening (-l) or --all (-a) option.
Both sockets are shut down but we still don't have all our data sent.
The state of the socket is unknown.
